Top Causes of Errors in laboratories What’s Sabotaging Accuracy?
It is most important in any laboratory, may it be a clinical laboratory or a research laboratory, that the reported matrix is reliable, prompt (faster TAT), and accurate.
To ensure faster TAT with reliability and accuracy, a laboratory has to divide the whole process into analytical phases and ensure that those phases are optimized well to ensure zero error.
Each cycle of clinical laboratory testing is divided into three stages:
Pre-analytical stage: The pre-analytical phase is one of the most important stages, which begins even before the specimen is collected. And this will lead to serious errors if rigorous protocols for specimen handling and identification are in place and followed.
Analytical phase: The analytical phase begins when the specimens have been logged into the lab and the actual process of testing is performed.
Post-analytical phase: The final, or post-analytical phase, involves reporting the final result to the patient or the concerned physician.
In this article, we review the details of these phases.
1-Pre-analytical Phase
The pre-analysis is a phase where the patient and the laboratory professionals who are collecting and handling the specimen are involved, and pre-analytical phases may affect the results drastically; hence, this becomes equally important as may other phases.
Preanalytical factors that can affect the results of a test include:
Sample type
Sample timing
Specimen collection
Patient preparation for sampling
Inadequate sample quantity
Incorrect test orders
Specimen transport
Duplicated or wrong test request
Inappropriate sample container
Wrong barcode or labeling/patient identification
Wrong collection procedure
Incomplete patient data
Specimen contamination
If analytical errors are not spotted before they are processed for analysis, they can cause serious problems further down the line.
How to reduce preanalytical errors
To reduce pre-analytical error rates, all procedures should be standardized and automated whenever possible. By establishing a standardized system to recognize pre-analytical errors, many of these errors can be prevented.
Adapting technology upgrades and making the system automated with a well-defined procedure to detect the errors and causes of errors will help eliminate them before they result in wrong results and affect patient care.
2-Analytical Phase
The analytical phase begins when the lab prepares a patient specimen for testing until the report verification by the qualified professional.
Laboratory Testing
Human and instrumental errors may be encountered during the analytical phase. Occasionally, random errors may also occur. The following errors may arise during laboratory testing in the analytical phase:
Instrument calibration errors
Issues with verification and quality control of performance specs
Collaboration errors
Reagent quality
Wrong manual pipetting
Interference from unidentified antibodies
Mathematical errors
Clinician errors in preparation and processing
Mistakes caused by staff fatigue
Interpretation errors
Technological advances in laboratory automation tools help improve analytical techniques within the lab and ensure better accuracy and reliability of the reported test matrix.
Quality Assurance in the testing phase
Even with automation in place, analytical quality remains a significant issue. For example, issues can arise due to inadequate sample preparation or the accidental presence of substances that can interfere with the accuracy, sensitivity, and precision of results. The following protocols will help control the analytical errors:
Implementation will define policy, process, and procedure
Clinician’s training and competency evaluation
Implementation of a testing program for the clinician test menu
Automation of instrument calibration and quality control
Upkeep of records relating to the lab environment
3-Post-analytical Phase
The post-analytical phase is the final stage of the testing process, in which the test results are reviewed by a clinician and released for reporting.
Test Results
Even in the post-analysis phase, errors can still occur. Data entry errors can arise when results are recorded and stored manually. The following are a few of the most common post-analytical errors:
Manual System Data entry errors
Manual Data transmission errors
Human communication errors
Incorrect calculations
Delayed turnaround time for results
Results returned to the wrong individual
Results are not reported
How to reduce post-analytical errors
To improve and maintain high levels of quality assurance at the post-analytic phase, clinicians can implement the following preventive measures:
Implementing a barcode ID system: Not only prevents specimen misidentification and inaccurate labeling, but it also prevents the results from going to the wrong doctor or patient.
Utilize automated transmission of reports: Digital transmission of reports ensures that results are being shared in a timely manner and that they are being sent to the person who needs them.
Develop a troubleshooting plan: Take note of previous errors or close calls. Even more importantly, identify the source of the error, whether human or equipment. Once you have determined what happened, you can prevent a recurrence.
Establish a standard for result rreporting: If you set out clear protocols for your team of clinicians and it is in line with the healthcare facilities you are working with, you can reduce errors significantly throughout the total testing process.
We, the "SMI,” with our 30+ years of experience, may prove to be your best partners in improving Accuracy, Reliability and promptness of your laboratory
Our lab automation system can help you to:
Enhance your analytical process.
Reduce laboratory errors.
Optimize the laboratory automation.
Streamline sample processing.
Save time to focus on important tasks.
Easily handle the whole process.
Collaborate with medical professionals from one source
Maximize workflow quality improvement and proficiency testing
Implement successful validation protocols.
Happy to serve you as your laboratory partner!
Spectrum Medical Industries Pvt Ltd